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Borhan Co.

Borhan Company is a research-industrial conglomerate specializing in the semantic web and ontology. The Borhan team comprises diverse members, each proficient in fields such as logic, philosophy, semantic web, programming, and various branches of the humanities, forming a robust and competent team.

The idea that later became “Borhan” began its journey in 2020 intending to develop reasoning engines to support various logical systems. Current reasoning engines specific to semantic web technology are limited to descriptive logic. However, expanding the semantic web into different knowledge domains necessitates support for diverse logics.

Identifying the need for knowledge representation across various informational domains, Borhan initiated the process of creating reasoning engines in 2022. Consequently, they developed reasoning engines that support deontic logic and default logic.

Since the development of reasoning engines and support for logical systems require the creation of appropriate ontologies, Borhan included the design of ontologies in its roadmap. This journey commenced in 2022, marked by research and the release of initial ontology versions. As part of this path, an upper ontology along with temporal and deontic cores were designed, with their axiomatic foundations being documented and continually developed.

Borhan continued its diligent progress, completing support for temporal dynamic logic and then deontic logic in the alpha version by 2023. The development of reasoning engines to support probabilistic logic, Abductive reasoning, and second-order logic has since begun. Currently, the alpha version of the reasoning engine supports all these logics.


Until early 2023, the versions of the reasoning engine were all developed as plugins for Protégé, one of the most well-known ontology editors. Borhan, with its expanding team, decided to design its own editor named Boronto, a project currently in the research and development phase. Additionally, the reasoning engine was transformed from a plugin to a platform-independent reasoning engine. To optimize the reasoning process, especially for big data sets, Borhan succeeded in making the reasoning engine incremental and regularly updated it.


Finally, in early 2024, Borhan was officially registered at the Companies Registry and by the summer of 2024, Borhan’s powerful reasoning engine, named PIE (short for Platform-independent, Incremental, and Expandable), is nearing its public and final release. To facilitate its use, Borhan started a dedicated wiki in March 2024 to elaborate and teach common daily and legal sentence patterns in the semantic web language.


What is the Semantic Web?


The Semantic Web is an Olympics; An Olympics for champions from different sciences and this Olympics becomes more passionate when the best in related fields come together.

In Borhan, we are the hosts of this Olympics, and with elites from different disciplines, we create the best services of knowledge representation and reasoning; Services such as accurate retrieval of information, reusability of modelled knowledge, machine reasoning in various logics, contradiction detection, and so on.

To reach this elite, motivated, agile and young team, in terms of programming and AI, we are in touch with the Data Mining Laboratory of the Computer Faculty of the University of Science and Technology (Dr. Minaei).

Furthermore, regarding philosophical and logical issues, we are related to the seminary of Qom, Tarbiat Modares University, etc.

The main approach of our team is sincerity, hard work, and cooperation, and because of this approach, although our team is young, it has produced valuable products in the field of the semantic web.