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Borhan Upper Ontology

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An upper ontology is a type of ontology which describes common beings in all domains and relationships between them and is often limited to expressing general, abstract and philosophical concepts.
This ontology is used to eliminate the need for duplicate descriptions of the general concepts found in domain and special purpose ontology. Thus, the classes in the upper ontology are super classes for the domain ontology classes, and the properties in it are used as the super properties for the domain ontology properties.
In recent years, various upper ontologies have been introduced. Some of them are DOLCE, SUMO, BFO and GFO.
We also designed a upper ontology in the Borhan team. Borhan upper ontology is structurally similar to DOLCE , but it is consistent with the structure of the ten categories of being in philosophy and provides a platform for describing deontic and defeasible propositions.

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